Have you ever sat around and thought to yourself, “wow this process is ridiculously complicated, I wish there was some sort of software that could simplify this.”? Well, fortunately for those of you who feel this way, there is a fantastic BizSpark startup that does that. They are called Unplugg IT Solutions.
Unplugg IT Solutions is primarily a software development house which was establish in 2006 specialising in custom built software development, Business Intelligence and Funeral Parlour Administration Software. On that note, the Funeral Parlour Administration Software has built-in functions that help funeral parlours do their business activities day in day out, collection of premium reducing fraud, increasing profits as well as compliance to the FSB. Their development team has a wealth of experience predominantly focused on Microsoft’s technology stack (C#, ASP.NET, MS SQL Server, Silverlight, WPF, WCF, K2.net and more) and utilises agile software development methodologies.
Vusi Mngomezulu, the man behind Unplugg IT Solutions, had lots to say about the Microsoft BizSpark programme, “With Bizspark we have been able to use the best of breed software to make our application robust and provide our clients with 99% up-time. The application was started with VS 2008 then move on to VS 2012 and currently being migrated using VS 2013.” Vusi Also mentions that his company is busy making the move to Azure.
We are confident that Unplugg IT Solutions will continue to do amazing work, taking them to the next level of software development. Keep up your fantastic work guys, we’re more than proud of what you’ve achieved so far, and we can’t wait to see what you do next.
Article written by the Start-Up Spark
View article here: http://www.startupspark.co.za/2016/05/06/start-up-story-unplugg-it-solutions/